Jan 20, 2007

Memory's Friend

Should your past be a lifetimes’ trial
Of lessons trained in joy and tears
Such recall of this lifetimes’ style
Is help to those with similar fears
No time, in its quality, is the same
Some good, or bad, in mood’s reflection
Remembered are the ways one overcame
The worst of times in recollection

Smile at those hours when all was dark
How you fought your way into the light
How bold ideas became inspired spark
Which then became a tool of insight

Should a friend need such confidence
Who sits in dark times, all alone
Help shoulder the burden of such torments
Sift your mind when time felt the groan.
Bring forth the trial you similarly face
Infuse your friend with advice of time
Help in constructive ways, memory traced
Take away bad and allow the good to climb.
Often the past can be put to the good
What seemed bad is well in the end
Your memory can be nourishing food
If put to good use when helping a friend.

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